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For High Performers Who Know Anxiety Is Holding Them Back From Their Full Potential

"Discover How You Can Use Hypnotic Self Suggestion To Remove Anxiety In Less Than 7 Minutes

...Without Expensive pills, talking to therapy-quaks, or reading a dozen books in the "self-help" section..."


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What Is The 7-Minute Anxiety Code?

If you're a high performer, you probably deal with a lot of anxiety. 

Unfortunately, that anxiety can hold you back from reaching your full potential.

That anxiety can become so bad that it paralyses you and stops you from achieving the level of success you're capable of.

Today, I'm going to give you a secret.

This is the same secret I've personally used to unlock my own potential, helping me lose 110 pounds to build a fantastic body and even build a $35M business enterprise.




Introducing the '7-Minute Anxiety Code'

7-Minute Anxiety Code is a new powerful hypnotic technique to remove anxiety and tackle the symptoms that anxiety brings.

I've developed a hypnotic protocol to completely eliminate anxiety without medication, therapy, endless motivational videos or any other long-winded treatment plans.

This isn't breathing techniques, meditation, positive affirmations, or any of that.

And as a result, this allows you to live a life of abundance, remove your mental blocks and unlock your true potential.

This is the 7-Minute Anxiety Code.

7-Minute Anxiety Code Is A Short Cut...

Anxiety is something I dealt with from a very young age.

I've experienced varying degrees of anxiety, and I had been "diagnosed" with having a generalised anxiety disorder and often found myself with crippling physical symptoms.

I've experienced all the symptoms you've read about...

…terrible nausea, painful tightness in my throat and chest, pain in my legs, migraines, increased tension, shallow breathing, the painful "golf ball" like feeling in my throat…

Despite all of that, I've always been ambitious.

I've always wanted to be hyper-successful, a great role model for my son, and a high achiever. 

Through the years I've built up several business ventures and have achieved good levels of success in my field. Though it often came at the expense of my mental health.

I worked with countless therapists over the years and doctors who prescribed me a multitude of medications, which not only made me feel worse...

...but stopped me from performing to the best of my ability, affecting my productivity levels with my work.

That resulted in low moods, irritability and low energy. 

The side effect of all of this impacted my business severely.

Building a business and being a success is hard enough without having an anxiety disorder. 

As you can imagine, this wasn't the state I needed to be in to build a successful enterprise.

I was depressed with the way I was feeling. 
I was sick of feeling unhappy. This impacted my relationships, too.
I was tired of not achieving the success I craved in my life.

This led me to question everything I was being told to do by the professionals and eventually made me think of alternative ways to deal with my anxiety and mental health challenges.

After many years of discovering hypnosis and helping thousands of people using psychological suggestions, I've developed a protocol that completely eliminates anxiety... and it happens in just 7 minutes.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Not only am I going to show you proof, but I'm giving you a chance to duplicate my results with a unique hypnosis technique I've developed called The 7-Minute Anxiety Code.

Here's how it works:


5 chapters. 1 bonus chapter. All focused on one thing: helping you conquer anxiety, and free yourself from any physical symptoms.

PRICE: $7.00


Instant MP3 download of the 7-MC audio. Listen anywhere, and get instant relief from anxiety. Compatible on all devices.

PRICE: $24.99 FREE


7MC video session that provides an anxiety symptom-relief cure, specially crafted for difficult physical symptoms caused by anxiety.

PRICE: $49.00 FREE


Eliminate Imposter Syndrome & unleash your potential with this powerful, hypnotic audio protocol!

PRICE: $24.99 FREE


Experience a life-changing transformation with this audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.

PRICE: $24.99 FREE


Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins and dopamine for a profound sense of joy and fulfillment (without drugs)

PRICE: $24.99 FREE

Anxiety Grounding Technique

This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future… You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.

PRICE: $37.00 FREE

The Pain Relief Code

If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.

PRICE: $17.00 FREE


Here's How I Went From Crippling Anxiety To Building a $35M Business Enterprise, Losing 110 Pounds of Fat, And Reaching My Full Potential, By Turning Conventional 'Mental Health' Wisdom Upside Down

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've
Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The 7-Minute Anxiety Code

From: The desk of Joey "High Performer" Xoto

Re: The fastest way to eliminate anxiety and live a life of total abundance and confidence

(and why your mental health depends on this)

Dear high performer,

I've done something you haven't yet.

I completely eliminated my obsessive, compulsive, worrying thoughts and crippling anxiety.

You know the ones; nausea, shallow breathing, tightness in the chest, the painful "golf ball" like feeling in your throat... the list is endless.

Not only did I eliminate them, but I did it without taking drugs. 

I did it without years of long-winded therapy sessions. 

I did it without meditation, breathing techniques, yoga, and probably everything else you can think of.

Want to know the best part, though?

The technique I used completely eliminated my anxiety in just 7 minutes.


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet...

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:
I'm a qualified hypnotherapist that has battled and won the long-winded fight against anxiety. 

Not only am I a qualified hypnotherapist, but I've used these techniques on myself to achieve a life of abundance, freedom and success.

I've built several successful businesses, and even dropped 110lbs in fat, building the body of my dreams in the process.


I spent over 15 years understanding how hypnosis and psychological suggestion can change the way we experience anxiety, pain, and reality itself.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results, normally because they never actually follow the instructions. 

With that said, I'd like to share some real-life feedback I've had from the technique I teach in the 7-Minute Anxiety Code.

Just remember, though, all purchases online entail risk as well as some action you must take yourself. If you're unwilling to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

How I Completely Eliminated Panic, Tension, And Restlessness Out Of My Life By Using A Simple Yet Powerful Hypnotic Technique I’m Going To Share With You On This Page…

The same 7-minute protocol that people worldwide are now using to get instant anxiety relief…

...And in turn, gaining freedom to live the life they've always wanted.

...All without requiring medication, emotional therapy sessions, reading self-help books or meditation…

…so they can focus on BEING HAPPY AND FREE...

...And best of all - it can be achieved in less than 7 minutes.

Just Like Elizabeth Who Used This Technique, Says "I've Been Feeling Anxious Every Second Of My Life For Over 10 Years, But It Worked..."

And she's not the only one either…

Check Out This Feedback From Others That Used The ‘7-Minute Anxiety Code’...

And you can BET...

The 7-Minute Anxiety Code is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…
  • It doesn’t focus on meditation techniques
  • ​It doesn't talk about breathing a certain way
  • It's not about motivation, 'self-help' programs or the law of attraction, manifestations, or anything of that nature
  • It isn't about eating healthier, exercising, or (god forbid) using anti-anxiety medication!
Most importantly, this is not something that takes a long time.

Instead, This Removes Your Never-Ending Worries And Calms Your Restless Mind In Less Than 7 Minutes

Like I said…
This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you…
…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me.

The 7-Minute Anxiety Code allowed me to get rid of the same old treatments that never worked for my anxiety.
  • Extensive, long-winded therapy sessions that never made my anxiety go away, especially when I was in the middle of a presentation or doing a podcast!
  • ​​Meditation sessions that were really difficult for me to focus on when I'm being hit with a full-blown panic or anxiety attack
  • ​​Breathing exercises never worked for my anxiety, because the last thing I want to do when I feel like I can't breathe, is slow my breathing down!
  • Anti-anxiety medication doesn't solve the symptoms, but simply suppresses and often amplifies them for the next anxiety attack
  • Being told to "keep busy" and work out! Yes, exercise is amazing, but it didn't solve the immediate issue of the anxiety symptoms I was suffering from

The ‘7-Minute Anxiety Code’ Freed Me From ‘Traditional Treatment' & Gave Me A Proven Way To Eliminate My Anxiety In Just Minutes…


Here’s what my life used to look like (and If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety or panic attacks, then I’m sure you can relate)…

I call this the “Cycle Of Doom”:
 Step 1 - I'd get hit with a new challenge or problem in my business or personal life, and I'd get anxious feelings as most people do.
 Step 2 - That anxiety then turned into other additional symptoms. I'd have it all... The tight chest, breathlessness, nausea, lack of focus, paralysis by thought, and isolation.
 Step 3 - These symptoms led me to have very depressive thoughts and left me feeling paralysed to work, be productive or live my best life.
  Step 4 - I'd then go to therapy, but it never killed my symptoms. Therapy was also expensive and time-consuming.
  Step 5 - I couldn't handle the anxiety and it stopped me from being effective with my work, so I tried anti-anxiety medication instead. I felt okay for a short while, but inevitably I felt worse than I did before.
  Step 6 - In an effort to try something else, I exercised for months, tried meditation, improved my diet, and tried motivational self-help programs. This helped, sort of...
  Step 7 - But then when something bad would happen again (which in life, it inevitably will), I always took 10 steps back.
  Step 8 - Start over
The 'Cycle Of Doom' not only sucked but kept me stuck for 5 years - forcing me to continue experiencing terrible anxiety whenever life got on top of me whilst working my ass off to build the dream life I always wanted.

I almost gave up on this whole idea of "calming my anxiety down". I almost accepted that this was just what my life was going to be.

But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something different.

Something that - if it worked.

It could take my life to a whole new level of success.

And as you're about to find out...

It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a new hypnotic protocol that I'm about to share with you on this page.

I Put This Hypnotic Technique Into This 51 Page Book Called The “7-Minute Anxiety Code” So You Can Start Reading It In The Next Few Minutes...

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Joey Xoto…

My life’s pretty good these days.

I've built myself multiple successful businesses over the years.

I got myself into healthy athletic shape through persistence and dedication (I used to be very overweight).

I have a lovely son who is my world, who I show up for daily, all whilst running multiple businesses, being a friend, handling chores, and being the best version of myself, day in and day out.
Here are some obligatory pictures of my journey so far...

Whilst We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth...
Let's Go Back To July 29th, 2017

I was 29 and living in Manchester, United Kingdom.

I was pretty much busy 24/7. I had no spare time.

I was working hard, on my business all the time. Life was fast-paced... and as a result, I never looked after my physical health (I was super overweight)

...and of course, all that pressure leads to poor mental health. 

I struggled with anxiety, depression, and an onslaught of other mental health challenges from a very young age, and it was a constant battle in my life.

Despite all of that, I've always been a dream chaser. Someone that's strived his entire life to achieve more, be more and win at the highest level.

With that level of determination, anxiety is an obvious by-product. So I was always under that "be a success" pressure.

And in 2017, with all of that pressure on me, I got some news... ex-wife was pregnant. I was going to be a dad.

This meant I couldn’t be "this" version of Joey anymore.

I had to be better for my child. Both physically and mentally.

Suddenly, my anxiety increased tenfold because of the tremendous responsibility that was about to arrive in my life.

There’s a myth out there.. "things always work out by themselves."

Well, they don't.

And if you want to live a life of abundance, without anxiety, or limiting thought patterns that are holding you back, it's almost never the answer to simply "wait for things to resolve".

I know because I tried.

I thought once my son came along, things would automatically "be okay" and I'll become super-dad.

I gave it my BEST shot.

I tried preparing to be a dad, get in shape, run my business, support my ex-wife, and everything in-between.

And it didn’t work.

I became completely controlled by my anxiety.

I started suffering from panic attacks daily. This messed up my sleep, my routine and everything else... ultimately impacting my business and road to success massively.

I began getting all kinds of physical symptoms from the anxiety I was feeling; 

Feeling breathless, migraine headaches, a tight chest, feeling as though I had a massive golf ball in my throat!

I was a complete, utter mess, and couldn't operate my day-to-day business anymore.

I felt totally paralyzed...

Then, It Only Got Worse.
I Ended Up With Severe Depression...

Things went from bad to worse.

I wanted to improve and be ready to become the best dad I possibly could. I wanted to continue growing my business, and taking my life to the next level.

I had goals, dreams, and aspirations...I wanted more out of life...

...and me feeling crippled by anxiety was holding me back.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I tried traditional therapy, medication, various books, and meditation...

and eventually decided to try something totally different. 

and that "something different" was Hypnosis. 

But of all things, why hypnosis and how did I even come across such a random topic?

When I was just 16 years old I stumbled across the mysterious phenomena of hypnotism. 

From a very young age, I began learning how to use hypnotism for entertainment, and more importantly how it can impact the unconscious mind.

I learned about how hypnosis can alter the unconscious mind in order to change someone's reality.

Sounds fancy right? 

Well in the early days, all I was really doing was sticking people to their seats, making them forget the number "3", and making them act like a chicken.

It was all pure entertainment for me.

The thing is, though, hypnosis is much more than just a trick. It's a superpower, and I was about to find that out, firsthand.

I eventually ran into a friend of mine at a Hypnosis Convention, who was using hypnosis in a very different way from how I'd learned.

He was curing people at this event who suffered from severe depression, anxiety, and chronic pain, using nothing but hypnotic words.

When I watched him doing this with other people, it looked like a miracle. 

It was almost as though I'd discovered a truth about the human mind that I never really realized existed... It was this:

By using the "right words", we can create profound changes in the human mind, in seconds.

I was in awe and very inspired by what I'd witnessed.

I realized that I'd been using hypnosis for the wrong thing...

I was playing games, entertaining people with this incredibly powerful tool...

...when instead, I could be using this powerful tool myself to deal with my anxiety.

This was a massive eye-opener for me.

Hypnosis Is The Most Powerful & Easy-To-Use Technique To Completely Remove Anxiety

Think about it like this...
 Is therapy the best route to go if you're dealing with anxiety symptoms? Look, it can be great, but when it's 1:00am in the morning and you feel like your heart is about to fall out of your chest, your therapist isn't going to be there.
 Is meditation the best way to deal with difficult anxiety symptoms? It can help... provided you're able to sit still for an extended period of time, control your breathing, shut off your thoughts, and sit silently, all whilst you're anxiety is running high... yeah, right! 
 Exercise is a proven way to improve your mental health though, right? Absolutely! Exercise promotes a healthy mind and released endorphins. Though if you're in a really anxious state, the last thing you're going to want to do is to go for a run or lift some weights.
 I can always take anxiety meds! That stuff works, doesn't it? Anxiety medications like Xanax and many others can lessen your anxiety symptoms in the short term. But what's the eventual outcome? I Googled it for you:
Hypnosis was clearly an efficient, effective way for me to tackle my anxiety...
And the best part that attracted me to hypnosis?

There's No Side Effects, It's Fast & 
It's Free (Once You Know How)

Which means you can relieve your anxiety symptoms without the typical hurdles you'd find with "traditional" treatments...

All you have to do is listen to the right hypnotic language.

That Was The Birth Of
My 7-Minute Hypnotic Code

My friend eventually helped me tackle my anxiety issues using hypnosis.

I was blown away by how effective this was for me...

I was so excited about the results I'd gotten, that I wanted to share them with everyone I knew. 

I spoke to friends... family... anyone I could, to explain how powerful hypnosis was, and encouraged them all to go and see a specialist to work on their individual goals.

But guess what?

Most of them never did.


Because hypnosis is still relatively unknown, unaccepted, and inaccessible to most people.

I decided I wanted to change that.

I set off on a mission to make as many people as I humanly could, aware of the power of self-healing with hypnosis.

So, I started...

After doing a lot of tweaking, studying, and experimenting - I started designing my hypnotic protocol for anxiety relief.

I didn't want to create a technique that took hours, days, or weeks to get a result.

I wanted instant hypnosis that could work in minutes, any time anybody needed it.

This was going to be difficult, as most hypnotic therapy was very "old school", face-to-face and traditional.
Even though I had the experience of utilizing hypnosis...

I still had to deep dive into turning traditional hypnosis, into a faster-paced, accessible tool for audiences all over the world.

Looking back, the research and graft I had put into creating this new protocol was mentally draining.

Late nights.

Hard work.

More stress.

My progress was slow and sluggish.

But thankfully, I didn't quit.

Eventually, I created The 7-Minute Anxiety Code.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The 7-Minute Anxiety Code Versus The “Traditional” Way Of Dealing With Anxiety?

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned previously in order to get relief from anxiety, here’s what it looks like now...

What's The End Result Of Using This New Way?

Well, you eliminate anxiety fast & effectively without needing to spend months on traditional therapy sessions, expensive medication or reading evey single book in the "self-help" section...

Which Naturally Leads To...

...getting to live my life to the fullest because I'm not being held back by anxiety.

I gained control over my anxiety which allowed me to execute better at work, and become a better father and a better friend to the people around me.

But the most important thing, I was finally free. I no longer allow anxiety to rule my life, because I have my secret weapon to shut it down anytime I need to... in a matter of minutes.

My mental health improved so dramatically, that my business went on to win the "Young Entrepreneur Award" for its amazing performance. 

I was finally on top mental form, and anxiety was not going to stop me from growing and being happy anymore.
The really cool thing is that…

If you simply listen to the 7-Minute Anxiety Code, you'll be able to achieve freedom too; from your anxiety and the horrible symptoms that are holding you back. 

But it’s much more than that...

This New Way Of Treating Anxiety
Is Life Changing

How many anxiety treatments have you seen come and go through the years?
  People attempt therapy and sometimes stay there for years...
  Or try alternative treatments like yoga, meditation, or thinking positively till the feeling goes away...
  People even try things like "reiki", herbal remedies, various teas, and even medical marijuana!
  Let's not forget the countless 'self-help' programs and motivational videos out there!
I know, because I've tried them all. None of them gave me freedom till I tried my hypnotic approach... and thankfully, I've been free of anxiety for several years now.

Now, speaking of anxiety treatments...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

I am probably going to piss off a lot of people in the pharmaceutical 

Because the 'big pharma' industry is making loads of money by providing the opposite of what I do (and it doesn't even work!)
Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake High Performers Make, Is Rushing To Use Medication...

Here’s why:

There are two types of anxious people out there.

There are high performers that want the instant "fix", and there are the "healthy" folks.

For my first 2 years - I was one of the "give me a fix now" folk.

These individuals are generally quick to rush to medication because generally speaking, medication can alleviate symptoms very quickly.

Most people know medication isn't the answer, but they will justify using meds by saying "It's only for now", with the hope that they will eventually stop taking medicine.

But here's the issues...
  • Almost all anti-anxiety medication causes adverse side effects
  • Popular anti-anxiety medications like Xanax actually cause you to have even more anxiety (go ahead, Google it and check for yourself)
  • Even though you feel better initially, you end up going back to where you started, often feeling even worse, so you never really ever stop
This becomes a trap of medication that you can't get out of...

And this is the same exact thing that was happening to me before I discovered the new approach.
The solution?

Using Hypnotic 'Reframing' To Rewire Your Mind

That's right...

I said it, we going to use psychology to make your mind automatically eliminate the symptoms and feelings you're experiencing.

...Because I rather get rid of my symptoms in just 7 minutes, without any side effects at all, instead of going down the rabbit hole of therapy, medication, and endless cycles of side effects that send me off the scale!

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in The 7-Minute Anxiety Code and provide you with the exact audio recording to implement the technique, so you can get instant results. All you need to do is hit play, and listen.

So Here's The Psychological Power Behind The 7-Minute Anxiety Code

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of negativity, fear, and damage happening around the world.

We've experienced a global pandemic, brand new wars, a crippling economy, job loss, and poverty at a new high.

This has created an increased level of anxiety and depression on a worldwide scale.

That's led to a huge spike in people looking to heal their mental health from the pressure that is being put on us all.

And as you may have guessed it - I have it.

And what's really cool is that it's not rocket science, expensive, or anything else that traditional mental health solutions have given us.

How To Eliminate Anxiety The Fast & Easy

And that's where the 7-Minute Anxiety Code comes in...

It does this beautifully in 2 easy steps...
And that’s the difference here. 

When you listen to the hypnotic 7-minute recording, you'll have a tool to eliminate your anxiety anytime, anywhere.

And even better, once you learn the 7-Minute Anxiety Code technique, you'll be able to do it all by yourself, without even listening to a recording.

No medicines. No time wasted at therapy. No sleepless nights.

I’m not saying therapy is bad by the way. I encourage it, in fact.

What I’m saying if your goal is to eliminate those difficult symptoms, therapy might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Therapy requires booking sessions, and talking about difficult things (which is good, but time-consuming). This won't eliminate the symptoms you're experiencing in a few minutes when you really need it.

7-Minute Anxiety Code just requires you to sit somewhere quiet, and listen to the audio. And once you've learned the technique, you won't even need the audio!

And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can eliminate your anxiety symptoms in the next few minutes...
And once you start using this 7-Minute Anxiety Code...

Being symptom and anxiety-free isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that will become a distant memory.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 24 hours from today.

Because if you implement everything I’m going to share with you in The 7-Minute Anxiety Code...

That’s when you’ll start seeing the power of this technique for yourself.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

Back In 2015, I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe This Would Work…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t know how many things you've tried to deal with your anxiety, I also don't know exactly which of the hundreds of anxiety symptoms you're experiencing... but...

I promise you this…

Anyone can use hypnosis to eliminate anxiety...

Ultimately I want you to know one thing...

If It Worked For Others, It Will Work For You Too!

Here's How You Can Benefit From This

It took me over 5 years to "figure this out"...

...and another 12 months on top to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to download this book and most important of all - listen to the audio recording...

That’s it… NOTHING else.

Here’s The Exact 3 Step System Revealed In The 7-Minute Miracle For Complete Anxiety Relief

 Step 1 - Read The 7-Minute Anxiety Code Book - Learn the mechanics and exact process used to alleviate anxiety symptoms in the short, 7-Minute Anxiety Code book.
 Step 2 - Listen To The 7-Minute Anxiety Code Recording - Next, all you have to do is hit "play" on the special 7MC recording, which will eliminate anxiety symptoms once you've been through the recording
 Step 3 - You're Done - After listening, your symptoms will be virtually non-existent. You can then re-use this technique anytime any symptoms occur in the future, and be anxiety symptom-free!
Those are the 3 steps to eliminating that horrid anxious feeling!

All of this is revealed in the 32-page 7-Minute Anxiety Code ebook in step-by-step detail, along with the special 7-MC audio and video recording.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to anxiety relief for the person that seeks freedom from the crippling feelings they're experiencing.

And that's not all, because...

Here's What You'll Discover In 
The 7-Minute Anxiety Code

 Eliminate Any Anxiety Symptoms So You Can Improve Your Mental Health, Boost YOUR Quality Of Life & Finally Be Free!
All Explained On Page 4
 How Traditional Meditation, Anxiety Drugs & Therapy Are Slowing You Down (And What To Do Instead)
All Explained On Page 6
 The Little Known Hypnosis Trick To Crush ANY Anxiety Symptom In Seconds (And How To Use It For Your Own Benefit)
All Explained On Page 14
 The Secret Behind "Hypnotic Healing" (So You Can Tap Into This Super Power Anytime You Need It) 
All Explained On Page 21
 The Step-By-Step Process To Hypnotising Yourself For Anxiety Relief (So You Can Shortcut Your Results)
All Explained On Page 23

Plus I'm Going To Give You Multiple Formats Of The 7-Minute Anxiety Code

I'll also show you how to take the 7-MC technique and do it yourself without the recording, so you can do it even faster once you've learned it!

If removing anxiety from your life is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.
Get an Instant "Hypnotic" MP3 download of the 7-MC audio recording. You can listen to the hypnotic recording anywhere, and get instant relief from anxiety. It's compatible with all devices!
You'll also get the 7-MC video guided session that provides additional tips and ideas, that boost your success for anxiety-relief, specially crafted for difficult physical symptoms caused by anxiety.

Before You Download The 7-Minute Anxiety Code… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If this is really so powerful, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they underdeliver on their promise and end up charging your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There are NO hidden costs here.

I'm literally giving you this entire 7-Minute Anxiety Code bundle, for $7.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that it will help you completely eliminate your anxiety and you will be ready to move forward to the next level in your life - which we will be more than happy to help you achieve with our higher-level programs.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling 7-MC for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people, which is the ultimate goal for me with this.

By Lowering The Price To $7.00 It Lets Me Help More People Overcome Anxiety Symptoms, Fast

I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expense to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll get so much value in your life from 7-Minute Anxiety Code, you'll want more from me.

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

Plus, You're Getting 5 Bonuses Completely For FREE With Your ‘7-Minute Anxiety Code’ Book…

…Starting off with the…
“Hypno Self-Love Instant Booster” hypnotic audio recording
You'll experience a life-changing transformation with this hypnotic audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

…then you’re going to get…
Hypnotic Program For Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
You'll be able to completely silence the annoying voice inside your head that tells you that you're not enough and set on a path of confidence, allowing yourself to embrace your true potential and achieve greatness.

…then, you’re also going to get…
Special Hypnotic Recording To Trigger Happy Emotions On-Demand
Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins and dopamine for a profound sense of joy and fulfillment (without drugs)

…and along with that, you’re also going to get…
The Pain Relief Code 
If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.

…if that wasn’t enough, you’re also getting…
Anxiety Grounding Technique
This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future…

You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...

 How To Eliminate Anxiety Symptoms So You Can Improve Your Mental Health, Boost Your Quality Of Life & Finally Be Free!
All Explained On Page 4
 How Traditional Meditation, Anxiety Drugs & Therapy Are Not Improving Your Anxiety Symptoms (And What To Do Instead)
All Explained On Page 6
 The Little Known Hypnosis Trick To Crush ANY Anxiety Symptom In Seconds (And How To Use It For Your Own Benefit)
All Explained On Page 14
 The Secret Behind "Hypnotic Healing" (So You Can Tap Into This Super Power Any Moment You Need It)
All Explained On Page 21
 The Step-By-Step Process To Hypnotising Yourself For Anxiety Relief (So You Can Shortcut Your Results)
All Explained On Page Page 23
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Download The eBook For $27 Just $7.00!
 Available For Instant Download
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Here's What Others Have To Say
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
High-performing individuals experiencing high levels of panic or anxiety, coupled with difficult physical symptoms they want to get rid of...
What is The 7-Minute Anxiety Code?
7-MC is a hypnosis protocol I've designed to eliminate panic and anxiety-related symptoms in just a matter of 7 minutes (or less), without needing to use any drugs. 

7-MC uses a combination of techniques I've learned over the last decade and have perfected a formula that tackles anxiety symptoms very quickly.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You'll receive The 7-Minute Anxiety Code eBook in digital eBook format, along with an audio and video version provided as a bonus so that you can listen to me delivering the protocol to you in a hypnotic recording. In other words, you just have to hit "play", and my voice will guide you through the rest.

I've also thrown in 5 additional hypnotic recording bonuses that cover other mental health areas for a total mental transformation.
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
This is not typical therapy or even standard hypnosis. This does not involve medical drugs, therapy, meditation, yoga, reiki, or anything else you've seen before... this is unique and incredibly powerful.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. If you need further assistance and have a more unique problem, I do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing. I also have a group of private clients (by application only) if you want me to help you build the mindset required to live and achieve the life you've always wanted.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the book.
Download 7-Minute Anxiety Code
List Price $27
Download The eBook For $27 Just $7.00!

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
  Available For Instant Download
Included Bonuses


Instant MP3 download of the 7-MC audio. Listen anywhere, and get instant relief from anxiety. Compatible on all devices.


7MC video session that provides an anxiety symptom-relief cure, specially crafted for difficult physical symptoms caused by anxiety.


Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins for a profound sense of joy and fulfilment (without drugs)


Eliminate Imposter Syndrome & unleash your potential with this powerful, hypnotic audio protocol!


Experience a life-changing transformation with this audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.

Anxiety Grounding Technique

This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future… You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.

The Pain Relief Code 

If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.
2 Steps To Eliminating Your Anxiety
Get The 7 Minute Anxiety Code
List Price $27
Download The eBook For $27 Just $7.00!

Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
  Available For Instant Download

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $7.00

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download 7-Minute Anxiety Code, absorb it all, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you follow the steps I show you, and don't see a change in your anxiety levels...

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

7-Minute Anxiety Code free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

This Offer Expires By {{MMM}} {{D}}, {{YYYY}}

List Price $27
Download The 7-Minute Anxiety Code For $27 Just $7.00! 
 Now Available For Instant Download
Delivered instantly. Start listening in the next 2 minutes.
Until then, to your success,
Joey Xoto
P.S. Remember, the 7-Minute Anxiety Code comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know and we’ll refund you your $7.00.

Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $7.00 Today


The '7-Minute Anxiety Code' eBook

5 chapters. 1 bonus chapter. All focused on one thing: helping you conquer anxiety, and free yourself from any physical symptoms.

7-MC Guided Audio Edition

Instant MP3 download of the 7-MC audio. Listen anywhere, and get instant relief from anxiety. Compatible on all devices.

7-MC Guided Video Edition

7MC video session that provides an anxiety symptom-relief cure, specially crafted for difficult physical symptoms caused by anxiety.

Crush Imposter Syndrome

Eliminate Imposter Syndrome & unleash your potential with this powerful, hypnotic audio protocol!

Trigger Your Happy Emotions

Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins and dopamine for a profound sense of joy and fulfillment (without drugs)

Hypno Self-Love Instant Booster

Experience a life-changing transformation with this audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.

The Pain Relief Code 

If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.

Anxiety Grounding Technique

This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future…You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.
Access the book + hypnosis recordings directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.
Only $27 $7.00 Today
(Save $20.00 today) Download The eBook For $27 Just $7.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.
Bonus Chapters Inside Your Book

Remove Your Anxiety On-The-Go, Instantly

In the 7-Minute Anxiety Code, you're not just going to have a hypnotic recording that removes anxiety. I will also give you the perfect technique to:
  Eliminate Anxiety Symptoms Without The Audio, Anywhere You Want, Anytime You Need It
  Learn The Exact Technique I've Used To Help Over 100,000 People Get Instant Anxiety Relief
  You'll Even Be Able To Do This On Your Friends Or Family Who May Need Some Help ❤️

You're Also Getting...

Trigger Your Happy Emotions

(included in your order)
Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins and dopamine for a profound sense of joy and fulfillment (without drugs)

Crush Imposter Syndrome

(included in your order)
Eliminate Imposter Syndrome & unleash your potential with this powerful, hypnotic audio protocol!

Hypno Self-Love Instant Booster

(included in your order)
Experience a life-changing transformation with this audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.

Anxiety Grounding Technique

(included in your order)
This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future… You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.

The Pain Relief Code 

(included in your order)
If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.

$229.96 Of Real World Value

(Yours For FREE When You Get The 7-Minute Anxiety Code eBook)



5 chapters. 1 bonus chapter. All focused on one thing: helping you conquer anxiety, and free yourself from any physical symptoms.


Instant MP3 download of the 7-MC audio. Listen anywhere, and get instant relief from anxiety. Compatible on all devices.


7MC video session that provides an anxiety symptom-relief cure, specially crafted for difficult physical symptoms caused by anxiety.


Eliminate Imposter Syndrome & unleash your potential with this powerful, hypnotic audio protocol!


Experience a life-changing transformation with this audio protocol that empowers you to cultivate self-love and limiting beliefs.


Tap into your brain's pleasure centers to stimulate and release endorphins and dopamine for a profound sense of joy and fulfillment (without drugs)


If you're experiencing any kind of physical pain, whether it be from anxiety or any other ailment, you can use this technique to quickly relieve the pain response in your body.


This anxiety grounding technique was specifically made to break free from the overwhelming thoughts about the unknown events in the future… You will be able to regain your laser-sharp focus and claim your inner peace.

Frequently Asked Questions

I want this, what exactly am I getting?
You'll receive The 7-Minute Anxiety Code eBook in digital eBook format, along with an audio and video version provided as a bonus so that you can listen to me delivering the protocol to you in a hypnotic recording. In other words, you just have to hit "play", and my voice will guide you through the rest.

I've also thrown in 5 additional hypnotic recording bonuses that cover other mental health areas for a total mental transformation.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. If you need further assistance and have a more unique problem, I do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing. I also have a group of private clients (by application only) if you want me to help you build the mindset required to live and achieve the life you've always wanted.
Who is this for?
Anybody experiencing high levels of panic or anxiety, coupled with difficult physical symptoms they want to get rid of...
What is 7-Minute Anxiety Code?
7-MC is a hypnosis protocol I've designed to eliminate panic and anxiety-related symptoms in just a matter of 7 minutes (or less), without needing to use any drugs. 
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
This is not typical therapy or even standard hypnosis. This does not involve medical drugs, therapy, meditation, yoga, reiki, or anything else you've seen before... this is unique and incredibly powerful.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the book.
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